"sijui kama unafahamu jinsi hawa wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu huishi maisha Yao......" (~a paraphrased excerpt from the book chozi la heri by Assumpta K Matei).
If we are lucky enough then we'd begin on the other side after a massive fall.
Allow me to tell you a story. Some stories.
I talked to Pat. Pat is in his forth year in the university of Nairobi.
He told me of his story. How he found love in the confines of hall 2 back in his third year or so he thought. He loved her so much that he was assured this was the girl that his math teacher talked about "ukienda university utapata wasichana." In his conviction he did everything to make her happy. He'd struggle to provide for her, to always buy supper for two, to gift her constantly, to take her out on weekends just to keep the relationship moving.
From his little pocket money, he ended up in a lot of debt and to add to it his Helb money was less of a saviour. This didn't bother him much as long as her girl was happy.
One year down and his relationship was strong strong. They cuddled in Mamlaka hostels with a dream that his love life would turn out like that of Wahu and Nameless. Till that fateful day when his girl stood up to him and said "Pato I can't do this anymore. My friends are out there getting real men who have money. I want to go out and be a free bird. I want to travel like other girls. I cannot do this anymore with a broke guy like you. I deserve much more."
These words hit Pato and he counted all the sacrifices he had made. Tears trickled down his face without him even noticing.
This girl barked some more " Ona sasa unalia na wewe ndio mwanaume. It hits me more how much time I've wasted with just a boy. I wish you all the best in your life."
With that, she left. Till date Pato is single. Never loved anyone else as he did her.
Melissa. A girl as pretty as her name.
Nearly all the guys wanted her. Some would even randomly mention her name on twitter spaces with statements like "kama si Melissa sitaki." All these brought her a lot of attention and the more she gained popularity the more alijiona keki. Eventually her love life flourished as she bagged a classmate as her lover. You can imagine how many guys wanted to be the lucky guy and the jealousy that would cripple them soon enough. In my opinion what followed wasn't really her fault juu hata kama ni wewe na unatakwa na kila mtu unaeza kosa kucheat? Anyway she cheated. Leaving our poor boy suffering yet again. The lucky boy would now walk around devastated. He missed classes to avoid seeing her.Melissa allegedly now is in her third relationship or situationship after dating a classmate. Lakini wadau si mliambiwa kudate classmate is harder than the coursework na hamkuskia smh!!
Mwende. A beautiful descendant of Mumbi with her curved body and elite as she is.
She was never interested in anything dating and saw it as a trifling mfs problems. Dating to her was a window that she preferred to just peep and never break it down to a door and allow anyone near her. A man set his eyes on her one day in a matatu and asked for her number. She gave it out with a promise that she won't even bother replying his messages or picking up his call. This guy sent her money. The game was rigged. Remember it's Mwende, she was confused and decided to call and ask what the money was for. That was how she got money from him often and the guy asking for nothing in return. Mwende never asked for it. Little did she know this would be the death of her. She later gave in to him with a conscience that it was the right thing to do since it felt okay. Mwende is still with him and can't walk away yet she doesn't want to be there but the money keeps her. She opened the door. Or rather the door opened magically and now she can't walk away from her temple.
Luke. A young guy, fifth year. He is the epic definition of a perfect man. I've never heard him speak of his love life. He is super excited he'll be done with school in a few weeks. Sometimes I wonder if he has ever liked a girl.
Then there are others with a perfect love life. Heri wao. Must be nice. Sirelate.
Then there are others like me. Who have a little infatuation on guys, get overwhelmed with a crush, make them my favourite muse and before I know it, I no longer see them as perfect as I did.
Here is a little story of mine:
In my teenage-hood, a guy told me he would one day introduce me as his girl with a beautiful smile
From then, I let my smile speak for me
Even when my thoughts would threaten to wreck me, I still presented my wide smile to people.
The smile has often mirrored a girl who is soft hearted, pure, always happy and a bubby soul.
If I could write a story
I'd write about my first love
How despite not being together
I remember him
Not fragments but details
The sentences and puns, puns and sentences
I'd tell how I've let go more times than I've been there
How I want him often
But can't seemingly find him
How I say "it's not like this with other people"
Hoping he'll read between those lines and know I mean it
At the end of the day I know he is a good person
Used to be mine
With a good heart as mine
Lakini Sai Niko single guys, Niko hapa Tu Kwa shelf ready to be picked 😂💀
there are more university stories that i hold dear
this was part 1
watch out for part 2
(NB: the names are fictitious but the stories are true. Any resemblance to actual persons existing is entirely coincidental)
by Bett, Kitengela Kenya
19/5/24 1847hrs
Hello lovely readers!
I hope you are well
The previous post was me asking for votes and by grace, your support, favour and everything in between, we won. Thank you!!
Second update, i was awarded during student recognition for this particular platform as most talented and I'm super grateful that someone saw it fit to nominate me. I love it here guys!
I hope you love this particular entry. Like share and comment
your feedback is valuable
Reach out to me on my email bettcaro92@gmail.com
or instagram mutai.mutinda
Hakuna success story 😪😂
Nice one
Interesting piece