The other time I mentioned love on my blog I emphasized on love doesn't end. 1st Corinthians 13
To the boy in love
I hope you know how to treat her right - cherish her
That your days will not always be smooth or an effortless journey
But phases with lots of attitudes and through the innocent whims of her heart.
I hope in her you find a safe space that you can always run to talk when words get heavy
Let her be the first person you think about when great things happen and even when at your worse
May she be your home
I hope you never have to worry about your pockets when with her
Iwe pizza ama smocha pale klabu, then may your seasons come alive with whatever there is
May your memories be happy ones, filled with laughter that will always linger in your mind
I hope you get to accommodate her love language
Love her in a way that she wants to be loved
In that space, I pray that you will always feel seen, heard and accepted
May the love you share with her never feel like a burden
You'll realize that there are days where love isn't enough and on such, add care, patience, kindness, and perseverance to the mix
May your love not just be bound on feelings but full of commitment, choice and care
I hope she will know you and everything that's there to be known
On her end may she see you as her god, learning to trust you on every occasion
Your 90 when you are at 10
To the girl who is in love
I hope you wholly love yourself first
That his love will only be a supplement to your existence
That you see him as an apple of your eye
I hope that through that journey you cherish him
Learn everything that is there to be learnt about him
I hope that with you in his life, life will seem better and lighter
May you be fluent in every language that he speaks
May the words of his soul soothe yours
And the stares of his eyes always see the beauty that is you
May you never feel insecure because you are the chosen queen, all high and mighty
May you learn to love him with a depth deeper than where you have been before
It may end in marriage
And even if it doesn't
It will end with you being at a better place
Loving yourself more, appreciating where you have been before, carrying the melodies as you enjoy this life
Don't let any bitterness sip in you
Because it was beautiful when it lasted
To the one who has no lover
Go home where you are loved😭
But take this
Love is not forced
Do not beat yourself up to when your prince charming will come
Song of Solomon 8:4 - do not awaken love before it's time
Do not so desperately look for it. It will find you
In the meantime focus on self. It's all that matters.
My lovely readers
In this love season, I thought it was wise to drop this here
To fostering a generation that loves other people genuinely and bottom of it, to love themselves.
okay byeeee
Si juu ya io story mnipeleke valentines lol!
find me on IG as mutai.mutinda
email me at
Now I miss her. Though she's not here anymore.
This is really beautiful. Always a pleasure to read your work. This is a beautiful reminder