Dear black guy, gentleman, man……………
What if a black guy knew that in them they have the power like Samson,
What if a black guy knew that the wisdom within them resembles that of Solomon
What if a black guy just doubted the above sentence?
I bet they would want to go to heaven and ask Solomon his secret huh
What if a black man knew that he carries his generation in a bag,
Do I need to go into the details? Science knows best
What if a black guy knew that God sent him a helper and actually realize it’s a helper not a servant?
Wouldn’t he treat her right?
Read your bible folks
To a black guy, don’t buy her with money you do not have
Don’t love her with a kind of love you can’t love yourself with
Don’t look for peace then just let her drag that away from you
Dear black guy,
It is okay to not be okay
It is okay to actually be vulnerable
It is okay to talk about things that are sensitive
It is okay to run away from your problems only and only if you will come back and solve them
It is okay to express yourself whether you will be rejected or not
It is okay to stand up to what you believe in no matter what your boys think
It is okay to work towards your dream no matter how crazy that seems
It is okay to not to be a computer guru
Don’t beat yourself up for not knowing python
Dear black guy:
It is not okay to touch a girl without consent, that’s harassment
It is not okay to sag your trouser
Exposed butt cracks are ugly
It is not okay to not shower in the name of “mimi ni mwanaume”
It is not okay to bark orders to your wife
Talk gently she will still hear you
It is not okay to have just one pair of socks, you wear it till it stinks
What is okay is if you actually wash it every time after wearing it.
It is not okay to think with logic and omit emotions
You are not a robot
You are just a man.
It is not okay to control everyone around you because you are a man
You won’t go far
As Oprah Winfrey said “it isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are –not necessarily a spiritual feeling, but deep down, the spirit within- that you can begin to take control
Find yourself
It is not okay to run away from responsibilities
Don’t impregnate a girl and disappear
If you do I hope it haunts you to death
Dear black man,
It is in your power to know what is right and wrong
Be perfect like how your heavenly father is perfect
What if a black man knew that their kids see baba as a god
Be a seer, show them that you are brave even though you are battling your struggles
We live in a constant transition but never forget how to be a man
Progress, Pursuit, Purpose
Should be motto of a man!!
HELLO loyal readers
Bett presents something different from what we are used to
this entry is more of poetry
I hope you get to enjoy
share widely, feedbacks are highly appreciated
Tell me your views in the comment section
We appreciate you men
Almost turned out to be a checklist haha
Actually as black men we have to identify ourselves ✌️
Progress! Pursuit! Purpose!
Great job Carrie. Profundity!